Thursday, July 21, 2011

..ARCHIDEX 2011..

Assalamua'laikum and have a gud day today..

sebelum nk story panjang, nk explain sket bout archidex n mana datang word 'archidex'..lets check this out..

ARCHIDEX = ARCHitecture, Interior Design & building EXbition
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHIDEX is an annual showcase of the latest in architecture, interior design and the building industries that brings together local and international architects, interior designers and building professionals.The exhibition also plays host to a stimulating list of key conferences, forums and networking sessions held concurrently to complete the experience.

Harini ni story mory pasal the biggest event exhibition yg dinanti-nantikan oleh semua architects, interior designers & contractors mostly la..student yg minat pn tak terkecuali..hehe..and..including me.. Ni la one of my faveret exhibition event yg dihitung-hitung setiap hari..bulan..taon..hehe.. second exhibition is homedec, tp sampai arini masih tak sempat nk pegi.. hehehe (Boooo)

The question is why?? Y?? kenapa?? Best sgt ke exhibition nei??hurm..the answer is 'best giler'.. 'giler cool'..hehe..macam2 info menarik pasal produk baru for interior khas nye la.. coz im really interested + crazy bout it...suke gilerr sampai tak tahu nk describe macam mana punye suke n minat ngan interior design..(^^,) actually, product baru pasal building pn ade gak tgk..tapi lebih suke interior la..macam2 ade..kalo nak tahu lagi, haa..uols kena la visit next year punye archidex..

The best part is pasal archidex this year ialah saye berjaya visit all booth kat hall 6 n 7 which is all about interior products..heaven sesangat2..dah la booth kat dalam hall tu semua cantik2..huhu tapi satu pun tak sempat nak amik gambar..sebab teruja sangat2 and both my hands penuh dengan all brochures,flyers,books,bags,samples,etc..semua pun collect..hehe..yang jadi mangsa my dear hubby la.. dia kena tolong bawa beg yg berisi semua brg2 free itu..hehehe.. next year dtg archidex nk bawa troli beg..ada roda..senang sket..hehe... guest what..sampai ke malam tu..stay dalam tu mmg tak sedar cepatnye masa berlalu..nasib baek sempat solat asar and maghrib kat surau
kt klcc tu..hehe.. (moral:pegi mane2 pun,bz mcm mane skali pon,solat WAJIB ok!! (^,~)

Alamak..punya la excited story pasal archidex,lupa nk inform yang event nei normally buat dekat KLCC..hurm so senang la..naek public transport je..park je keta then naek je komuter or putra..kan senang. save sket dwet.. if not kene bayar parking yg berjam-jam and mahal dekat klcc tuh, neway dwet tu boleh makan kepsi lagi..hehe.. what ever it is, i'm really enjoy visit Archidex 2011 kali coz dapat ber'exhibition'ing and secara tak langsung dapat berdating with my dear hubby. Walaupun juz g visit sehari je which is on 2nd July (3rd day of the event), rasa happy sangat2 camnie haaa
(^________________________^) hehehe nah amekaww..ini betol2 hapy ,bukan cobaan ye..

yeay..this is my tag..
with ila, my archi classmate..ex-actually sbb da abes blaja..hehe perasan still student..
with my dear hubby..

haa..ini antara barang2 yg dpt..sket je ada lagi sbenarnye..hehe

My hope for next Archidex is nak join one of the forum which is KLDF (KL Design Forum).. wish me luck uols..(^,~)..daaa...

Thank you for lalulang here!! (^,~)

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